External Projects


outSights, BOS newest project on the market, is going to have his first edition this spring and it will target problems that the entire society has.

outSights : Sales 101 is going to teach you how sales skills and techniques can help you in your everyday life, even if you are not a sales (wo)man.



Echilibrum, un proiect ce se concentrează pe menținerea unui work-life balance sănătos, revine anul acesta cu cea de-a doua ediție ce vine în ajutorul studenților aflați la început de drum să găsească echilibrul între viața personală și cea profesională și nu doar atât!



AcaMedia is the new Business Organization for Students project, launched in 2021, which provides trainings on Digital Marketing, Social Media, Ads, SEO and much more!

In order to be able to apply all the notions learned, we also organize an annual contest during the event, in which we award the teams with the best results in creating a page / blog.

IT is Business

IT is Business
IT is Business is a Business Organization for Students brand project, at its 12th edition, which aims to familiarize students with Business and IT environments through conferences and case studies (Code and No-Code).

Find out for yourself what are the steps towards the development of successful tech companies (in fields like Software Development, SaaS, Cyber Ops, Cloud Computing, Data Science) right from the specialists in the field.
IT is Business

Internal Projects



UPgrade is a Business Organization for Students made project, which has the purpose of personal and professional development of the association's members through aquiring soft and hard skills that will help them during the long run in their professional life, focusing on: self-knowledge, career orientation, overcoming their emotions, assumption and responsability.

The project itself is designed to offer students the opportunity to develop more than they do inside of their college and to have access to experiences that can balance their personal and professional development.


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