
Echilibrum it's a project that targets the wellbeing field, with its first edition on May 14 2022

The event aims to support young people at the beginning of their careers to find a balance between personal and professional life.Echilibrum it's a project that targets the wellbeing field, with its first edition on May 14 2022

The event aims to support young people at the beginning of their careers to find a balance between personal and professional life.

Project Objectives

Echilibrum project has the aim of helping young people to:

  • Find the balance between personal life and your first job;
  • To handle their emotions efficiently;
  • Avoid burnout and to work efficiently.
Strive for Balance
Ediția de anul acesta va avea loc pe 1 Iunie la ARCUB (sala mare).

Speakeri cu o experiență vastă de viață vin să ne ofere sfaturi valoroase despre cum să facem față unor subiecte cu impact în viața tinerilor, precum sindromul impostorului, anxietatea, vorbitul în public și multe altele. Numele prezente la eveniment sunt:

  • Gabriela Enea (psihoterapeut şi consilier în dezvoltare personală cu 20 de ani de experiență, care ne va vorbi despre toate metodele prin care putem combate anxietatea socială şi frica de a vorbi în public);
  • Alexandra Constantin (Learning and Development Specialist în PepsiCo, cu o vastă expertiză în tot ceea ce presupune mediul corporate, ce ne va ajuta să trecem peste senzația de impostor syndrome);
  • Tibi Borza şi Bogdan Popescu (consultant HR şi Systemic Team Coach, care ne vor face să înțelegem mai bine cum putem accepta feedback-urile primite, indiferent de circumstanțe);
2 Edition


1 Edition
Strive for Balance
Echilibrum it's a project that targets the wellbeing field, with its first edition on May 14 2022

The event aims to support young people at the beginning of their careers to find a balance between personal and professional life.

Speakers such as Gelu Duminică or Raoul Radu, together with the project partners, Estee Lauder, will welcome you at V7 Startup Studio with topics such as "The benefits of early career failure" or "Personal values ​​in the context of work-life dynamics"!
1 Edition
Echilibrum it's a project that targets the wellbeing field, with its first edition on May 14 2022

The event aims to support young people at the beginning of their careers to find a balance between personal and professional life.

Speakers such as Gelu Duminică or Raoul Radu, together with the project partners, Estee Lauder, will welcome you at V7 Startup Studio with topics such as "The benefits of early career failure" or "Personal values ​​in the context of work-life dynamics"!