The Projects Department aims to teach its members the fundamentals of project management through specialized training and practical activities. The projects undertaken address topics of interest to students, such as IT, business, or work-life balance, with the goal of developing young individuals who are just starting out on their journey.
Through their work, members of the department have the opportunity to develop both hard skills and soft skills.
The secret to the success of any project is always being organized! Creating a schedule, meeting deadlines, and effective communication are just a few of the fundamental concepts you can learn. Such training is useful not only within the department but also in everyday life!
Se spune că cea mai dificilă etapă a unui proiect este întotdeauna cea de început. Astfel, este esențial ca membrii să descopere cum poți dezvolta conceptul unui proiect, de la ziua primelor idei până în momentul evenimentului propriu-zis, când totul prinde contur.
To come up with the coolest projects for students, it is essential to understand their needs and try to meet them. Market research helps department members understand the opportunities and threats of a potential project.